
9 Traits We All Must Have To Attain Positive Self-Perception

9 Traits We All Must Have To Attain Positive Self-Perception picture

1. Stop dwelling on the past

If you find yourself lingering in the annals of history, regretting your past and the mistakes you made, then this is the perfect concoction for disaster. People who believe in the power of positive self-perception should focus on their current selves and move forward. 

2. Reframe the way you talk to yourself

Everyone faces negative emotions. Instead of cementing them in our core beliefs, we need to understand that they are nothing more than temporary sentiments. Instead of considering yourself a horrible employee and lamenting yourself for making mistakes, it’s good to think that the mistake certainly affected my performance and happiness but I’m going to move on and use the experience to perform better.

3. Welcome all sorts of feedback

If you want to be a better performer, you have to respond better to criticism and feedback. This will help you to focus on the positive aspects of every situation and listen intently to perspectives without feeling defensive.

4. Trust your personal judgment

If you believe in the power of believing what you see, you need to have a more positive and healthy interpersonal relationship. Feel comfortable voicing your opinion and don’t be frustrated if others don’t agree with your views. Learn to march to the beat of your drum.

5. View yourself as valuable, capable, and smart

People who view themselves as capable and smart can effectively cope with challenges and are more resilient while facing setbacks. They move through the world with these positive qualities at the center of all their interactions which make them stronger emotionally and interpersonally. 

6. Celebrate the smallest wins

If you want to be a person with a positive self-perception, you need to even celebrate your smaller wins and not live by anyone’s standards but yours. Champion your success and remind yourself of your constant progress. Be your biggest cheerleader.

7. Don’t compare yourself with others

Focus on your unique strengths to build your positive self-perception. Don’t compare your shortcomings to your colleague’s excellence. If you feel accomplished after a big work presentation, enjoy the feat, instead of replaying your colleague’s presentation in your head.

8. Perfection is an illusion

Perfection is an enemy of the good. When you aim for it, you’re setting unattainable standards for yourself that will only result in frustration and headaches.

9. Develop a growth mindset

If you have a growth mindset you will acknowledge and accept weaknesses instead of shying from them. You will prioritize learning over seeking approval and understand failures as an opportunity to grow. Concretely visualize your goals and growth. 

The road to self-development is a never-ending journey, as you get better and better each day.

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