Insight 1, Insight Cyprus

Insight I Seminar Cyprus: 4  – 6 March 2022

“Insight has helped me make the choices I always wanted to make and somehow felt powerless to do.”


Insight I is a fun and uplifting journey through awakening your heart center to the best person you can be.

You’ll be participating with people from all walks of life.

The Seminar is joyful, engaging, and moves quickly through a combination of short presentations, one-to-one exercises, small group activities, guided imagery processes, and sharing with the facilitators.

Insight I is crafted to guide you on your own journey of self-discovery in a loving, respectful, and supportive environment and refrains from any aggressive tactics of challenge or confrontation.


The seminar, which has attracted over two million people from over 40 countries across the world.

Since 1978, the educational programs offered by Insight Seminars have touched the lives of well over two million adults, teens, children and business professionals in forty-six countries around the world.

Insight Seminars will help you create more of what you truly want out of life rather than what you may have settled for.

Inspire people everywhere to a life of personal responsibility and fulfillment, built on self-awareness, loving, caring, compassion and service.

Insight Seminars have created a series of professional development programs and workshops that started operating 40 years ago.
They were built by John-Roger and Russell Bishop,
who co-created the first session.
Although there are many achievable outcomes for these seminars,
their primary focus is self-development. In translation,
Insight Seminars helps people address important topics like making decisions from the heart and living life to the fullest.
Additionally, they offer a wide network of individuals who support one another on a journey toward more success.
Every seminar comes with a highly interactive group
and one-on-one sessions.
The ultimate goal is to teach people how to improve
the overall quality of their life.

Can you explain the concept of “living from the heart”?

It means that someone is guided by inner wisdom acquired through experience.
Every person makes a constant stream of decisions on a daily basis.
Sometimes, those decisions are quite easy, and we do not think much about them, such as which cereal to eat with breakfast.
Other times, however, they can affect our lives for the better or worse, such as purchasing a house or deciding to pursue a new career.
So, whenever life-changing circumstances arise, it is essential to come up with a heartfelt decision.
Doing so will help steer one’s life in the right direction.

What are some of the ways you help people achieve self-fulfillment?

The first part of finding self-fulfillment is identifying what it is we truly want.
Often people go for symbols of success and have not fully identified the experience they hope to experience that those symbols represent to them.
At Insight, we assist people in identifying their true heartfelt desires—those qualities of experience that transcend careers, how many possessions we have, how many degrees we have, etc.
Once those inner qualities are identified, it is much easier to create strategies for success and also assist people with letting go of habits and beliefs that could stand in the way of achieving those goals.

Do Insight Seminars offer people an insight into their own nature?

Absolutely! All of our activities and processes are built in a way that will instigate self-reflection and awareness.
Group processes are set up to facilitate conversations that will help improve their respective lives.
Additionally, every long session that we organize comes with a series of specific ideas.
Those ideas tend to be universal and can be applied regardless of one’s profession or other circumstances.
So, yes, we certainly dedicate time to help individuals discover their true nature.

Can you give us an example of a seminar that you organized recently?

The very first in our series of seminars is called Insight I: The Awakening Heart Seminar.
It started decades ago when our founders attracted over 150 people who were drawn to this idea.
Today, we use it to give people some tools that will help them be successful and effective.
Furthermore, it relies on showcasing everyone’s true potential.
Doing so helps them recognize how far they can go in life.

Another very popular seminar I would like to mention is Insight III: Centering in the Heart.
It is a five-day venture, in retreat, where people learn to minimize outside distractions, learn to respond instead of reacting, and learn to communicate more effectively.
Naturally, we require those who attend this session to complete Insight I and II that will enable them to acquire the prerequisites and knowledge which help Insight III be more effective.

What are some of the future goals for Insight Seminars?

Currently, our future revolves around one word—expansion. We are starting to leverage our online communities to attract more people who need our seminars.
Through our online connections, we’ve already helped establish a seminar that will take place later on this year in Nigeria. We hope to create a wide network of operations with seminars all over the world.
If achieved, it would mean that we are able to present our sessions to millions of people. Fortunately, the opportunities that the online world provides seem to be endless.
So, we think that our goal is quite achievable.


Do you Know what you want ?
If the answer is YES why don’t you have it yet?

Have you ever heard the phrase
” You Will Never Rise Above The Opinion Of Yourself”

We are happy to invite you to the amazing seminar Insight I : Three Days Seminar On Personal Development a 3 days challenge and experience, dedicated to ourselves as individuals, to our dreams and goals.

Ask yourself a question?

When is the best time to take your life to next level?
Do you want to live life with more passion, with less fear and limitations.
Do you want to Dream Your Dream again and not only ?
Do you want to act apon your dream ?
To have more fun, like when you were a child and you care
only how to be happy ?
Do you want better relationship with yourself and others? More friends ?

If YES, you are exactly at the right time Insight I is transforming, awakening, worldview, harmony, balance, goals achievement, getting to what we want to and what we dreamed for.
**Here is the full program for the 3 days seminar


Committing to self &Personal Effectiveness

– Learning to Ground rules for a Life You LOVE
– Keys to maintaining Powerful Relationships
– Identify your unconscious limitations
– Gaining power over your limitations and negative habits to create conscious living
– The Power of Forgiveness and much more


Taking Charge & Feedback Success Mechanism

– Victimhood vs. Accountability
– Releasing Guilt & Resentment
– Learn strategies for successful communications
– Understanding your “Behavioral Matrix”, why you do what you do
– Reprogramming limiting beliefs and much more


Giving & Receiving

– Unleash the sourse of your energy
– Memory healing
– The power of clear intentions & living “From the Inside, Out”
– Connection & Transformation and much more





Logistics Sheet – Everything you need to know


More than Event But Life Time Experience
Friday 4th through to Sunday 6th March 2022



On Site Event Registration (For all ticket holders)
8:30am – 9.30am Friday Morning



Day One: Friday 10am Start to 21pm Finish
Day Two: Saturday 10am Start to 21pm Finish
Day Three: Sunday 10am Start to 21pm Finish
Important: if booking flights please book to leave on Monday,
not Sunday evening, as you will miss the climax of the event.



Main Event (For All Ticket Holders)
The Event will take a place in Annabelle Hotel in Paphos, Cyprus



There is no official dress code, so wear what makes you comfortable.




Ticket for one person – 300 EURO
Ticket for two persons – 500 EURO



Is this the right experience for me?
Ask yourself a question?
When is the best time to take your life to next level ?
Do you want to live life with more passion, with less fear and limitations?
Do you want to Dream Your Dream again and not only ?
Do you want to act apon your dream ?
To have more fun, like when you were a child and you care only how to be happy ?
Do you want better relationship with yourself and others?
More friends ?

If YES, you are exactly at the right time and the right place 


30 hours for 3 days?
Yes. This is not the regular event you have joined. This is an experience that starts at 10 am and finishes at 21 pm.
When you plan your calendar, clear all engagements and better switch off your phone during the event. Unless you have a full commitment you won’t get the most out of the three days.

Is this a seminar or a workshop?
During this 30-hour program you will actively participate and work on every stage with a dedicated partner.


What food and drinks are included?
There is no food or drinks included in the ticket Price


What COVID measures will be taken during the event?
During the event, all current measures as of the date of the event will be observed.

Disinfectants will be installed, the hall will be used at 50% of its capacity, the chairs will be located 1.5 meters from each other, each participant will sign a declaration that he has not been ill and has no flu symptoms and / or other necessary at the moment measures.

Any Other Questions?
Contact us:
mobile : +357 9996 1075
mobile : +357 9923 6991

emai: contact@insightseminars-cy.org